2024- 2025 Programs

September Program

Charleston AAUW Meeting
Thursday, Sept 19, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Charleston County Public Library, James Island
1858 S. Grimball Road

    Dr. Carol Tempel will speak to us about the Charleston County School District with emphasis on issues facing the board including, censorship of libraries, curriculum controversies and teacher pay.  She is a member of the current Charleston County School Board.

     Dr. Tempel is a former teacher, principal of the Academic Magnet High School, Small Business Owner and Vestryman at the Unitarian Church in Charleston. She is the Co-Chair for Public Policy for SC AAUW. Melinda Hamilton one of our members is also Co Chair.

We will be attending a cultural event in October or November. We will attend a play or symphony concert or visit a museum.  Let me know if you have a favorite. SAVE THE DATE,  TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10 for our AAUW Holiday Dinner Fund Raiser!